PRP therapy for Striae
Striae distensae, colloquially referred to as stretch marks, are atrophiclinear plaques in the dermal layer, most often found on the breasts,abdomen, hips, and thighs, due to disruption of the collagen-elasticmatrix during the adolescent growth spurt or pregnancy or fromhormonal and weight changes.
Though rarely medically concerning, striae can cause significantemotional distress. PRP can help ameliorate stretch marksby stimulating keratinocytes to release growth factors that promotecollagen deposition and extracellular matrix remodeling.
An ideal cosmetic treatment would stimulate a wound healing and repair mechanism without the associated risks of the injury itself.
Biostimulation with autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has the potential to reverse the damage seen in aged skin on a molecular
level by releasing growth factors designed to repair the damage without the associated risks of other treatment modalities. By using autologous blood products, there is no risk associated with foreign materials and a wound healing response can be triggered without actually causing gross injury. Additionally, PRP may be used to augment and enhance recovery from other treatments.

PRP is a great, non-invasive treatment for stretch marks because it helps generate the production of new collagen and elastin.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a non-invasive treatment for stretch marks. PRP contains growth factors that stimulate the production of healthy skin cells. This can help microneedling treatments achieve better results faster.
PRP can help generate new collagen and elastin. You can see results after 4-6 weeks of your first treatment. It usually takes 2-3 treatments for optimal results